Don't be fooled by other candidate's "Johnny-come lately," photoshopped mailers pretending to support Trump. There is ONLY ONE CANDIDATE for Ohio's 88 house district that has even been acknowledged by the Trump Campaign and that is GARY CLICK.
Recently, Gary was chosen by Trump Victory in Ohio to serve as a 2020 delegate for President Trump at the Republican National Convention in Charlotte, NC. He is the only candidate in this race that is endorsed by the Ohio Republican Party and permitted to speak at Trump Victory events.
Unlike other candidates, Gary doesn't have to fake his Trump credentials. Long before he ever considered running for state representative, Gary was called upon to deliver the invocation at the Trump rally just outside of Columbus. Gary's passionate prayer energized thousands of Trump supporters while angering CNN and their loyal viewers. Conservatives around the nation surrounded Gary with support while liberals flooded him with hate mail and filthy voicemails for nearly a year following.
Click here to donate and send a Trump conservative to Columbus!
Check out these headlines from Gary's prayer for the president
Gary's prayer for the president elicited national attention. The phrase that elicited the most reaction from the press was Gary's call for the president to be protected from "Jungle Journalism" and the "poisonous asps that lurk in the swamp of politics." This term was intended to signify a predatory form of journalism that is designed to devour its prey. While some called this an attack on the freedom of the press, Gary responded that he believes in a free press, just not a free pass. Like everyone else, journalists must be held accountable. There are many fine journalists. In fact, several reports on this prayer were balanced and fair. However, there are also many journalists who manipulate the media with biased and untruthful headlines. We must encourage all good journalists and hold fake news accountable.
The Columbus Dispatch: Ohio Pastor Criticized for "Jungle Journalism" remark in Trump rally prayer
Randy Ludlow of the Columbus Dispatch reports on the Ohio Democrats criticism of Gary's prayer.
The Fremont News-Messenger: Pastor faces good, bad fallout from Trump rally prayer
Craig Shoup of The Fremont News-Messenger reports on the prayer, including local response.
The Blaze: Pastor causes a stir after asking God to protect Trump from Jungle Journalism
Doc Thomson of the Blaze discusses Gary's prayer.
Newsweek: Pastor asks God to protect Trump from Jungle Journalism
Newsweek falsely labels Gary's prayer as an attack on the "Fourth Estate."
The Hill: Pastor at Trump rally prays to shield Trump from 'jungle journalism'
The Hill reports on the long-standing feud between the president and certain members of the press.
Mediaite: Rally pastor prays for God to protect Trump from Jungle Journalism